Television is Toxic
When I’m eating, I’ll often turn it on for a half hour or so, possibly getting sucked in for an hour show. I usually watch TBS, Discovery, Comedy Central, or Sci-Fi.
I had forgotten what constant bombardment from commercials feels like. The television is relentlessly telling me:
- Eat more cheap, yummy fast food! $1 for burgers! $2.99 for a full, greasy meal complete with a 1 gallon soda!
- But you’re fat, so take diet pills, and join Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig to buy “magical” food that will effortlessly make you lose weight.
- You have to buy an American car or truck to make jobs and support the economy!
- 3 different companies have the absolute lowest car insurance rates. And people saved an average of $400 by switching from any of them to another.
- Did you not pay your taxes? Were you deemed ineligible for government benefits? That’s not your fault! Sue them!
- You need at least 5 different prescription drugs based on self diagnosis of vague symptoms. Talk to your doctor today!
…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Even though on a conscious level I know all of these things are ridiculous, I can’t help but wonder what effect they’re having on my subconscious.
No wonder North America is such a mess. Can anything be done to promote a more positive, proactive message?
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