
Showing posts from December, 2015

Why should people trust you?

Last week, I was hanging up my laundry, listening to a great business podcast about consulting, and was hit by a wall of wisdom: "Your reputation in business is in large part based on your ability to make commitments and fulfill them. If you can make commitments and fulfill them, people trust you. That's what trust is based on. If you and I are developing a relationship, and the first thing you tell me you're going to do, you do, I go, "Ok, that's cool, he did what he said he was going to do." Now, I'm not going to trust you with my life at that point. But then, the second thing you say you're going to do, you do. A few weeks, a few months, then years, if you continue the habit of doing the things you say you're going to do, then I trust you with more and more. And that's how our reputations are built." [1] I think this applies equally to business and life in general. So many people fail this simple test. It really comes down to

What is Kanban and why is it important?

Kanban, or かんばん in Japanese literally means "signboard". The term comes from the manufacturing world. Implemented first in 1953, it was the precursor to the JIT (just-in-time) manufacturing process used throughout the world today. In software development, Kanban has slowly been replacing Scrum as the Agile methodology of choice since about 2010. The core of Kanban for software development is the Kanban board. This is simply a tool that makes the project status visible to all project members and stakeholders. The simplest Kanban board has three columns: The To Do column is a queue. Doing is a WIP (work in progress) column. And Done is a final state. Here is a much more complicated example with 8 columns and many sub-columns: On both charts, the principles are the same: Work moves from left to right Columns can represent queues of work to do , or work that is in progress There can be limits on the number of cards in each column Work is treated lik