The real USA healthcare experience
I'm tired of hearing Canadians complain about our healthcare system. You know what? We do have to wait longer for some types of treatment -- but not usually anything life-threatening. And you know what else? That's life. Resources are expensive, limited, and in Canada, they're allocated based on urgency of need. I had to go to a clinic here in the States for a minor issue that I've visited several Canadian clinics for in the past. The experience was nearly identical! They had the same advice, and the same treatment. The setup was similar. I swear even the posters on the wall were the same. However, there are a few major differences. See if you can spot them. The Canadian Experience: Realize you have a problem Go to walk-in clinic Present your health card Wait (1-2 hours) Get treated Go home The American Experience: Realize you have a problem Call insurance company Explain problem Get pre-approved and record claim number Go to walk-in cli...